Peer Review

Prof. Dr. Mirco Schoenfeld

It’s your turn

Review your colleague’s contributions
considering the following points.

Try to be as explicit as possible. Try to verbalize your assumptions and making your thoughts as transparent as you can.

Be constructive. Be friendly. Be fair.

The idea

The idea.

  • Is the idea generally intriguing?
  • How innovative or even disruptive is the idea?

Specific parts

Specific parts:

Does the text contain the following points?
If yes, how explicitly/good/clear/insufficient?

  • Does the text mention clear objectives?
  • Does the text mention clear KPIs and how they will be measured?
  • Does the text mention the origin of the data?
  • Does the text critically reflect on the approach?

Data Processes

Data Processes

  • What are the relevant data?
  • How is the data gathered?
  • Does the data really describe the problem at hand?
  • What are the KPIs and quality metrics for your idea?

General comments

General comments

  • Do you have general comments?
  • What do you particularly like about the approach?
  • Where do you see room for improvements?
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