Practising Unsupervised Learning: kmeans

Prof. Dr. Mirco Schoenfeld


First, check the requirements!

Do you have a python3 installation?

Have you downloaded and installed the required R packages?

windows tip

In case you face issues installing any package on Windows

You need to install RTools:

windows tip

Again, on Windows, please check

download.file("", "text.txt")

In download.file( […] )
‘SSL connect error’

If you see that message, enter:


It’s your turn

  1. Download the task sheet
  2. Open the task sheet in RStudio
  3. Fill the gaps to apply a kmeans clustering
    If you want to read what a function (e.g. kmeans) does use ? to access its documentation (i.e. ?kmeans)

It’s your turn

The last command in the kmeans task was the caret::featurePlot.

What does it visualize?